What's trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite.
In women, trichomoniasis can cause a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching and painful urination.
Men who have trichomoniasis typically have no symptoms. Pregnant women who have trichomoniasis might be at higher risk of delivering their babies prematurely.

Source: https://www.metromaleclinic.com/
In women, trichomoniasis signs and symptoms include:
➰A large amount of a thin, often foul-smelling discharge from the vagina — which might be clear, white, gray, yellow or green;
➰ Genital redness, burning and itching;
➰ Pain with urination or sex;
➰ Discomfort over the lower stomach area;
In men, trichomoniasis rarely causes symptoms. When men do have signs and symptoms, however, they might include:
➰ Itching or irritation inside the penis;
➰ Burning with urination or after ejaculation;
➰ Discharge from the penis;
Trichomonas genital infections (trichomoniasis) are almost always sexually transmitted. Women can be infected through sexual contact with men or women. But men can be infected through sexual contact only with women, not with men. Many people who have this infection also have gonorrhea or another sexually transmitted infections.Because the protozoa can remain in women for a long time without causing symptoms, determining when the infection was acquired and thus from whom can be difficult or impossible.

Source: https://en.vircell.com/
Risk factors
Risk factors for getting trichomoniasis include having:
🔗 Multiple sexual partners;
🔗 A history of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs);
🔗 A previous episode of trichomoniasis;
🔗 Sex without a condom;
Pregnant women who have trichomoniasis might:
🔘 Deliver too early (prematurely);
🔘 Have a baby with a low birth weight;
🔘 Give the infection to the baby as the baby passes through the birth canal;
Having trichomoniasis causes irritation in the genital area that may make it easier for other STIs to enter the body or to pass them to others. Trichomoniasis also appears to make it easier to become infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Trichomoniasis is associated with an increased risk of cervical or prostate cancer.
Untreated, trichomoniasis infection can last for months to years.

Source: https://www.geneproof.com/
Always using a condom correctly during sexual intercourse can help prevent this infection from being transmitted. However, Trichomonas vaginalis protozoa can infect areas that are not covered by a condom. So condoms do not fully protect people from being infected.

Key Features:
✔ Patent algorithm for tracking and recognizing trichomonas morphology
✔ High speed: 40T/H;
✔ Cell recognition accuracy is up to 90%;
✔ Multi-layers dynamic focus scanning;
✔ Integrated test for microscopy and dry chemistry;